Romey FAS has worked on a diversity of environmental concerns throughout the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Below are just a few case studies that highlight the scope of expertise available to our clients.
Landscape-level Watershed Management // 01
Project: Coho, Chum, and Pink Salmon Habitat Intrinsic Potential Models for Southeast Alaska
Client: NRCS, USFS, SEAlaska, HNFP
Period: 2015 - 2020
Pacific Salmon Habitat Intrinsic Potential (HIP) models are based on habitat hierarchy driven processes. Pacific Salmon have evolved to respond to reach level persistent habitat conditions controlled by basin hydrology and morphology that determines species distribution across the landscape. Romey FAS used juvenile density for Coho Salmon and redd densities from Chum and Pink salmon to create landscape level HIP models for Southeast Alaska. By using multidimensional quantitative empirical data, persistent habitat variables were selected based primarily on binary recursive partitioning models and resource selection ratio analysis. These HIP models are being used to identify critical habitat in advance of land use changes by multiple agencies for management, conservation, and restoration in Southeast Alaska.
Project: End of FIsh & Anadromy Models for Southeast Alaska
Period: 2019 - 2020
Fish Biology // 02
Project: Rainbow Trout Population in Black Bear Lake
Client: Alaska Power and Telephone Company
Period: 1993 – 2001
The effects of water level drawdown, for hydropower operations, on the viability of a rainbow trout population in Back Bear Lake, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska was investigated over six years. Annual surveys (snorkel, hydroacoustic, mark-recapture, and net gear) were used to determine fish abundance, size, and age composition. Romey FAS performed a comparative analysis with past methods and results, and prepared a final project report. The study results were used to support the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission licensing process for the hydroelectric project.
Water Quality // 03
Project: Bull Run Hydroelectric Project Turbidity Monitoring & Evaluation
Client: Portland General Electric
Period: 2004 – 2009
Portland General Electric (PGE) removed the Marmot Dam and associated facilities during the summer of 2007 as part of their decommissioning of the Bull Run Hydroelectric Project on the Sandy River, OR. The removal of the large concrete dam resulted in river channel disturbances and the release of sediment stored behind the dam since 1908. Monitoring was required by federal and state regulatory agencies to document environmental impacts of the decommissioning project on water quality in the Sandy River. To address the monitoring needs, PGE contracted with Romey FAS to design and implement a pre- and post-project turbidity monitoring program. The monitoring program incorporated continuous recording and data telemetry transmittal systems to facilitate real-time monitoring and online data retrieval.
Project: Sullivan Hydroelectric Project Total Disolved Gas Monitoring & Evaluation
Client: Portland General Electric
Period: 2008 – 2010
Dissolved gas supersaturation is a condition that results from entrainment of atmospheric gasses in water and naturally occurs at waterfalls; and often at hydroelectric facilities. Supersaturation can result in gas bubble disease which can cause mortality in a wide variety of fishes and invertebrates. Total dissolved gas (TDG) superstaturation is a regulatory concern for the Sullivan Hydroelectric Project on the Willamette River, OR. This concern is primarily due to the instalation of a flow control structure at the top of the falls used to regulate flow over the falls. To minimizing TDG from project operations, PGE needed to examine how operational and natural conditions influence overall TDG in the river. Romey FAS was contracted to design and implement a TDG study. Romey Environmental installed state-of-art TDG sensors and conducted monitoring before, during, and following a series of operational tests. Romey FAS performed the data analysis, interpretation of results (including biological risk assessment), and technical reporting that allowed agencies and PGE to pursue best management strategies for TDG for the project.